27 January 2013

Mini Series: Shifting Shame to Empowerment - Part II - Building Attentional Skills

Hello Beautiful Infinite Beings!

Yesterday we talked about "attention" and "noticing." Today I'm going to expand on that by sharing the different types of attention and how they can be put to work for you to create awesomeness! This amazing work comes from Dr. Les Fehmi. While I tend to apply this body of knowledge differently, I am so grateful for his magnificent contribution to humanity in doing this work. Without further ado ...

Attention to Attention - Focusing Styles
Let's now look at the various ways we pay attention and the impact of those various styles on our life experience. It may surprise you how many styles of "attention" are available to us.
  • The scope of attentionThe scope of our attention, viewed objectively, extends from a spherical and unlimited diffuse attention (Horizontally) at one end to a narrow scope and focus of attention at the other. 
  • Proximity to experienceThe scope of our attention, viewed objectively, extends from absorbed or immersed attention at the top (Vertically) to attention which is objective or separate from the contents of our attention.
When we divide attention in this manner, we see that it creates four quadrants, and each is ruled by a particular style or set of of attentional characteristics.

  • Diffuse or Broad AttentionAs an extreme style of attention, Diffuse Attention is associated with an all-around, three dimensional, simultaneous and equal attention to all available external and internal stimuli and the space in which they occur.
  • Narrow or Pointed AttentionNarrow attention refers to an awareness of a limited sub-set of available stimuli to the exclusion of the other stimuli. The extreme of "narrow focused" attention is one-pointed attention.
  • Immersed or Absorbed AttentionThe extreme of immersed attention refers to a way of relating to available experience such that the person paying attention enters into union with or becomes totally absorbed in the experience.
  • Objective or Separate AttentionThe extreme of objective attention occurs when the self is completely remote from the contents of attention, disconnected from single or multisensory experience of the attender, without empathy or intuition (into-it-ness). 
Extremes of "objective or separate" attention are associated with coldness where as extreme "immersed or absorbed" attention may be associated with warmth and closeness, full immersion in ongoing single or multisensory experience.

Those of you following along in this mini-series will want to remember these attentional styles so they may act as allies in the shift you are creating from Shame to Empowerment.

Stay tuned for my next post when we dive deeper still into the "how" of creating an extraordinary life!

26 January 2013

Mini Series: Shifting Shame to Empowerment - Free Your Inner Greatness

Hello Beautiful Infinite Beings!

Negative self talk is very common for many people in the world today. Shame is a common theme. While on the outside many people may seem well packaged and put together, deep within is a rather active judge who takes a critical eye to every action and in-action.

We have all experienced Judge Shame to one degree or another. In some cases, shame can get so powerful, it actually drives our lives. This is clearly evident when we explore our inner dialog. Exploring your inner dialog is something you can do for yourself. If you see yourself on a regular basis as worthless, an idiot unworthy of love, respect, affection, or success, this is a clear indicator that Judge Shame has moved in and now directs most every facet of your life. When it becomes this pervasive, it can be difficult to see just how deeply rooted shame has become. It acts like a strangling vine that moves through our inner landscape and wraps its tendrils around our beauty, power to create, and our joy. It does not have to be this way.

If Judge Shame is strangling the joy out of your life, you need not feel trapped with no way out. You can shift your experience from suffering to empowerment with a few simple tools. The first tool we are going to look at in this series is our "attention."

The first tool we can pick up and put to use is our attention. Engaging in the activity of "active attention" (noticing) is the first step. Nothing more; just simply notice. Make a conscious agreement with yourself - in this very moment - to simply "Notice" your inner dialog as often as it is possible for you to do so. Don't trouble yourself at this point with "doing" anything about the things you notice. Simply "noticing" will set things in motion. With practice, your "noticing" skills will increase over time. There is nothing else to do at this point. Anyone can do this. All it takes is "willingness" on your part.

I won't kid you though, if you are serious about shifting from shame to empowerment, you're going to have to want it like you want air. You are going to have to want it so much that even on those days where you are sick to death of noticing this stuff about yourself, you generate a willingness to continue doing it anyway. Simple; not easy.

What should I be noticing?
Begin to notice what your inner dialog is every time you experience fear, failure, rejection, anger, or sadness. Notice, when you say things like, "I am so: stupid, careless, worthless, crazy, or useless." Notice what shows up in your inner dialog when you use the words: "can't, won't, try, just, maybe, if, only, because, why, or but."

If you would like to shift your experience from shame to empowerment, decide today to begin practicing your noticing skills and follow along here as we unpack and move through the stages of this powerful shift!

Stay tuned to this powerful series as Sophlili Achnil of Xstatic Now shares the actions and tools she has discovered along her own journey from shame to Freeing Your Inner Greatness!
What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!