Water Talk ™

When I first began to explore Water Talk, I thought that it was a method of altering the Vibrational pictures, or imprints held by the water in our bodies. As the journey continues, I am finding that it is that and so much more - it is an utterly holy experience.

Water, amazing water. Water is intelligent and has memory. It records impressions and picks up emotions, thoughts, intentions, and more from its  environment. It is truly the stuff that sustains life. Every living thing is made up primarily of water. The human body is 60% water - with the brain itself being 70% water; the lungs 90%, and 83% of our blood is water.

Research has shown that water is a liquid crystal with a pliable lattice matrix that is capable of adopting many structural forms. The structure of water gives it an infinite capacity to store information within its matrix. A growing body of recent scientific evidence is now confirming traditional intuitive understandings of water's role as mediator between the energetic and material worlds and its function as an accumulator, transmitter and transducer of energy patterns and information. Much evidence points to water's ability to effectively memorize energy patterns with which it comes in contact and retain the energetic memory of vibrational frequencies for extended periods of time. Homeopathic medicine, for example, is based on water's capacity to store within its structural matrix the energetic imprint or vibrational signature of physical substances.© Copyright 1997 Institute of HeartMath

The intelligent, living, moving, liquid crystal - water, that makes up the majority of your body, is a sacred record keeper. It records pictures, emotions, experiences and stories in the form of vibrations and holds them for us. It does not discriminate and make value judgments or distinctions such as - this is good, this is bad ... it simply records them.

When we awaken to the intelligent nature of water and begin to interact with it as a friend and ally ... we activate our ability to shape these imprints and therefore alter our vibrational frequency.

To participate in a Water Talk session is to sit in circle with the great Elemental Shaman - Water. It is an awakening to the awareness of a great teacher, guide, and friend who lives inside you and exists all around you - stretching to the outer reaches of our galaxy and beyond. It knows the nature of all time as no time, all mind as no mind, and all breath as one breath. It reveals to you the vibrations of power, and the vibrations of stagnation. It knows the universal language of sound, and reveals the methods available to us for healing and creating with this co-conspirator of life.

Water Talk gently awakens you to see, hear and feel more of what's going on inside you. It creates a 'new window' into your physical, emotional, and spiritual vitality.

What is Water Talk
Water Talk, created by intuitive healer Sophlili Achnil, is a comprehensive natural health care system based upon the inspirational work of Dr. Masuru Emoto, Dr. Les Fehmi, The Heartmath Institute, Cymatics, Vibrational Medicine, and shamanic principals. It is designed to address emotional, mental, and spiritual health concerns. Water Talk assesses and resolves disturbances held in the water of your body.

These distubances are held in the water matrix in the form of images, archetypes, associations, thoughts, and unhealthy belief systems. Each leaving their imprint. Each generating an unhealthy frequency that sways the overall frequency your body vibrates at; affecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, and even your physical appearance.

Water Talk locates, releases and re-patterns these imprints; supporting you in accessing your Whole & Complete self.

Healing Partnership
Healing is a partnership first with Source and oneself, then with a trusted healer that offers support and guidance through their practice. (Whatever that practice may be.)

It is important to understand that you are your own best healer. If some part of you is in resistance to releasing these disturbances, our journey together will not be as beneficial as it could be until you are willing to let them go.

Water Talk itself will not heal you. What it will do for you is guide you in learning how to release these disturbances, and support you by creating an energetically/vibrationally clear space inside yourself to do that in.

What Happens During a Water Talk Session
Sessions are divided into two parts. Each part typically lasts 1 hour and these are scheduled at minimum 1 week apart.

The first 1 hour session is dedicated to a discovery of what is available for release.

The second 1 hour session is dedicated to location, release, and re-patterning of the available imprints discovered during our first hour.  You will leave this session with a Soulshine Prescription™.    

Water Talk employs as allies, and may include:

  • Energy Medicine
  • Chakra Clearing and Balancing
  • Intuitive Healing
  • Crystal and Gemstone Medicine
  • Meta Essences
  • Binaural Medicine
  • and other sound carriers such as music, images, nature elements, and colors
  • along with Kinesthetic movement to induce changes in the vibrational frequency of your being.

Soulshine Prescription
Your prescription will contain a list of suggestions intended to further support your experience of wellbeing into the future.

Please be Advised: 
While Water Talk may prove useful in healing physical ailments as well, it is no way intended to replace the medical care of a qualified Physician or Mental Health Care provider.

Appointments available to those living in, or visiting the Portland-Metro area
720.297.9942    9am - 9pm

The name, Water Talk, and the phrase Soulshine Prescription are trademarks of Xstatic Now. All rights reserved.
All Material © Copyright 2012 Xstatic Now

What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!