Free Offerings

Angelic Heart Connection
Request an angelic heart connection. Ask that one angel stand before you facing you and one behind you, also facing you. Invite them to connect their heart energies together forming a bridge of Agape love so that it passes directly through your own heart center. Feel this energy clean and clear your heart chakra and send it spinning at the proper rate. Stay with them until you feel your heart center entrain its vibration to the vibration they are sharing with you. Accept the love and joy they offer and remember, they are always there - any time you call upon them.

Get together with your team at work for a "goodbye stress meeting" : 
For 2 minutes each, name out loud everything you love without a pause. You will soon crack up laughing and the atmosphere will be nice and relaxed and you will be ready to then talk about business and other matters.
The same tips apply at home with your community, friends and family.

Inner-G Mantras
  • I Am
  • I am Whole & Complete
  • There are No problems
  • I am a Joyful Nowist
  • I am a Creator
  • Whatever I resist Persists
  • I am Not my story
  • Whatever/Whoever is in my life is there because I put it/them there
  • I am the Light of my life
  • I am beauty
  • I listen to the messages from my gorgeous heart 
  • I am magnificent
  • I am Heart Open
  • I make a difference in the lives of others and the world at large
  • The Universe is FRIENDly
  • Beauty wants to co-create with me to create MORE beauty
  • I do GREAT things
  • I create the life I LOVE
  • I am safe
  • I make good decisions
  • I actively love my Inner Child
  • I enjoy my playFUL self
  • I am Love and love is my gift to the world
  • My being here is a blessing for the earth
  • I am a cell in the Cosmic Body

What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!