Metaphysical Counseling

What if Problems and Solutions didn't exist ... and instead we had Whole & Complete?

Your Soul, does not think – it knows. You want to know what it knows?
Join me for tea and a peek at your soul. 
(OK, you can have more than a peek.)

Hello. I'm glad you're here. It may be we're about to discover some pretty amazing things together.

Being our most Authentic, Empowered, and Creative Self is the foundation for everything else in our lives. When we understand that, and take action to move into the truth of our being, everything else begins to fall gently into place. I love guiding people to awareness of the beauty that they are, and witnessing the joy they emanate when they begin to deeply honor that beauty.

Every person is a unique expression of Divine consciousness and has their own pattern of beauty to share.  

This work is about assisting you to discover the beauty and nuance of this pattern within yourself, guiding you to presence the realm of your creator self, sharing with you the power of "coming from" vs "going to", giving you a very intimate experience that will really bring it home for you that you are not your story, revealing the destructive nature of the Problem & Solution paradigm, and giving you access to your Whole & complete self. 
Sessions are a combination of spiritual counseling, provocative questions coupled with deep listening, mentoring, intuitive insight, and direct energy healing. We will work in both the physical realm and the psychic dimension to transform the way in which you experience your life. This takes you out of the position of being at the effect of your daily life, to being  cause in the way your life shows up.

Most mental health professionals treat the personality and behavior sets as the real person.  Typically, spiritual counseling walks you down a road to a distant destination in the hopes you will be given relief from some outside source(s). We will not be doing any of that. While you may be asked at times to recount certain experiences and events, we will not spend much time with those accounts, and instead we will go straight to the realm of Whole & Complete. While we may work with very specific archetypes, you will be invited to intimately recognize who is creating them. Though some wisdom may at first appear to be sourced from the outside, you will be invited to connect with a deeper awareness of yourself as Creator.

Identification with the personality, or taking things personally is the cause of much human misery. For this reason, you will be invited to experience the world from a ground of being that recognizes - you are not your body, you are not any of your experiences, environments or circumstances, you are instead a portion of the magnificent whole.  Within this astounding paradox lies true freedom. From this place you will know yourself and you will connect with the power you wield to create a life you love.

Metaphysical Soul Work is multifaceted and tailored to each individual's needs.  Contrary to most methods of addressing emotional and spiritual concerns, we will not be working to relieve any suffering you may be experiencing, and rather - we will be seeking to alter the way in which you hold those experiences. The paradoxical outcome of this is that you will indeed relieve yourself of a great deal of suffering through this process. 

This is a healing partnership. That means that it's going to take your willingness to bring your whole self to these sessions and our work together. It's time to drop your attachments to indulging in the patterns which are holding you back from expressing your unbounded spirit. This work takes a great deal of courage. I commend anyone who chooses to show up and enroll themselves fully in this process - and it IS a process. Each person is born with the potential to access her/his own vast storehouse of information, knowledge, and creativity. Come slip yourself into the sweetness of Whole & Complete. Savor the power of a life transformed.

As the sacred is found in all of life's experiences -- from the extraordinary to the ordinary, the painful and the joyful -- all paths are honored and celebrated. That being said, this approach to healing works best for those who have an awareness of, or interest in spirituality and the Metaphysical sciences.

Appointments available to those living in, or visiting the Portland-Metro area
720.297.9942    9am - 9pm

What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!