New Consciousness Training

Level Up
New Consciousness Training

You've Worked Hard and Made Real Changes.
Your Soul is Calling You to Step More Fully into Your Own Magnificence!
You’re ready for The Next level, and you’re Not Sure Where to Look.
You Know How Deliciously Close You Are to Experiencing a New Way of Being.
You’re Tired of Being Invited into Making Nebulous Changes,
Without Being Given the Specifics of How.
You’re Ready to Experience
Whole & Complete

Participate in
The Most Meaningful Spiritual Conversation
to come along in Generations.

You sense the collective consciousness of humanity has shifted and new energetic expressions are available for you to experience. Your heart is open and ready to make the necessary shifts that will grant you personal access to this new way of being. You’re not looking for help … you’re looking for an ally who is capable of sharing something new with you that delivers meaningful and lasting results in the quality of your life experience. 

A new level of training has emerged! New Consciousness Trainer Sophlili Achnil of Xstatic Now brings something new to the conversation. As a pioneer in New Consciousness, Sophlili invites you to begin from Whole & Complete. While many will ask you to look for what is broken or missing, Sophlili will invite you to notice:

You Are Already Whole & Complete … and Your Soul Knows It!

Step fully into the unbounded expression and sweetness of your own empowered soul. Claim your birthright. Stand in the energetic expression of Whole & Complete and create from there. The results speak volumes.

Nothing is more powerful than the intimate experience of your own beauty and magnificence; nothing sweeter than recognizing your own innate power to create; nothing more fulfilling than being cause in the way your life shows up, and nothing more exciting than being part of this new expression of human consciousness!

Allow New Consciousness to bloom in you!
Book a New Consciousness Training Session Today!

120 minute session
a savings of $120.00 

For inquires or to book a session please contact Sophlili (soff-lee-lee) 
Phone: 720.297.9942

I am joy-full to announce I am now booking these sessions in the amazing healing space at H.A.R.P. (Healing Arts Resource Project). If you have not had the magnificent pleasure of spending time with the beautiful community there, come by and discover all the ways in which they create beauty in the world and share their awesome love and healing vibes, I am honored to have been invited to be a part of this yummy community.

H.A.R.P. is located in the Sellwood-West Morland neighborhood at:
1611 SE Bybee Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202

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What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!