Inner-G Coaching ™

Looking for Your Inner Goddess?
Inside you, there is a place where your magnificence waits. This vibrant beauty is waiting for your invitation into full expression. You may suspect, she is far from silent. In fact, you may hear her often, and may have even danced with her from time to time. During these encounters, you felt whole & complete, larger than life, over-flowing with joy, strong, wise, and full of deep knowing that there is nothing you couldn't do. In these moments you were sure you had finally arrived inside yourself. All that hard work had paid off, and you had found your inner peace and power. Then, somehow ... it evaporated and you found yourself feeling smaller again; less sure of the next right step. What happened? That feeling was so big - how could I have lost it?

You go along for a time, then one day ... boom! Your Divine Feminine self blooms inside you again. Yes! Oh my Goddess ... Yes! I am amazing! Perhaps this time you feel this way for awhile longer. Then, as suddenly as it arrived ... it is gone again.

This ladies, is the cycle for many women. Days of thunder, followed by long periods of quiet rain.

Why? Why did it go away? Why does it seem to come and go with no rhyme or reason, and why can't I feel that way all the time? I want to with everything inside me. I know it's possible. What am I not getting? What's missing, that if I had it, would open this possibility to me?

And Here is the Answer
Nothing is missing. There are no walls forbidding you access to it. No one is toying with you. You are not underprivledged or unworthy in any way. You are not falling short or missing the point. You are not paying out karma or failing to please the powers that be.

There is only one thing that stands between you and your ability to access your Divine Feminine at all times. Over the years many of us have been taught to hide, suppress, be ashamed or fearful of, or even forget about our greatest feminine qualities.

We never forgot.

Come take a walk with me and grant your inner Goddess permission to fully express herself again. Tap into and embrace your inner feminine wisdom and dynamic beauty. Cherish its power and meaningfulness. Bring forth your hearts desire to be all  that is you ... feminine, strong, vulnerable  intuitive, and brilliant!

Appointments available to those living in, or visiting the Portland-Metro area
720.297.9942    9am - 9pm
What makes the difference between happy, successful, fulfilling lives and non-productive, half-hearted, depressing and anxious lives? Join Sophlili Achnil as she guides you on a magnificent adventure into the realm of Whole and Complete. If you're a Divine Creator and you know it, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and jump up and down with ecstatic joy - then pull up your chair in our circle and express your Whole and Complete, Unbounded, Beautiful Soulshine. Bring your friends - let's have a soul celebration party!