27 November 2012

Shifting Relationship to Partnership

Hello Beautiful Infinite Beings!

I have been doing a lot of new inner work with the Divine Mother in the last three months. One of the things She has brought to my attention is the word "partnership" and it's distinctive meaning. Goddess invited me to consider the distinction between what it means to be in relationship, as well as what it means to be in partnership. I sat with each word and contemplated all the associations I have with each word.

As I sat with the word relationship, I noticed there is an inherent lack of choice hidden in that word for me and it is experienced as kind of a "static" given. In other-words, it conjures for me a set of governing rules that I have unconsciously adopted from my family, friends, peers, and the mainstream media. These rules were inherited, not consciously chosen by me. They answer the question, "Who or what am I ... in relation to - that over there. How will I respond to "that over there." It seems to draw lines of separation and urge me to compare this to that, myself to them, the past with the present, and the present with my imaginings of the future. It has a static quality that demands its use in any situation - regardless of the subtle nuances of my here/now experience. It conjures for me a sense of helplessness, lack of personal contemplation, and personal choice. It also seems to bear a sense of duty. Like, "I don't like this but this is what is RIGHT to do." This notion offends my soul.

As I sat with this new word, partnership, a very different set of associations revealed themselves to me. I could see that partnership is inclusive and generates harmony, sharing, flow, commitment, peace, happiness, co-creation, care, attentiveness, responsible stewardship, and active choice. For me, partnership is a set of agreements I have thoughtfully and consciously entered into with myself for how I will co-create with all aspects of myself and the world around me. It honors connection by acknowledging that how I think and choose to act - affects everything around me ... because it is all a part of me and I a part of it. Everything I create, be it words, actions, non-actions, or choices generates consequences for myself and everything else.

So, I began to exchange the word relationship for partnership. When I did this, it transformed how I see and hold my world. It infused me with a deeper understanding of my own responsibility and accountability for what I create. Now I create partnership with all aspects of myself and my life. I have a partnership of emotion which has transformed the way I experience even the most unsavory of these.

For example, I have created and developed a partnership with my fears. Instead of experiencing fear as an undesirable emotion, I now have a relation to it of partnership where it acts as an ally to signal me it is time to shift my awareness.

Sometimes this shift is aimed at creating actions which will transform an area of my life that is out of balance. Other times it acts as a signal to me that I have climbed aboard the worry-go-round and am future-casting or living in a past experience. It reminds me that I have shifted out of the now and allows me to choose to come back into the present moment. When in the present moment, it becomes clear that the fear is unsubstantiated. What was true then, is not true here and now. Just because it was true then, does not in any way mean it is or will be true now. I have choice. I am a powerful creator and I may choose to create my experiences any way I desire. I am not at the effect of my story. I begin from a deep internal sense of Whole and Complete, and I move my energy out into the world through my creations. The outcome I have experienced in the past, is free to be just that. (a past experience)

Goddess showed me that partnership transforms any emotion previously experienced as undesirable, into a powerful ally.

What are some of the ways in which you have transformed difficult emotions into allies?


In what areas of your life experience do you consciously create partnership and when did that way of BEING with your own life begin? How were you introduced to it?

Copyright © 2012 Sophlili Achnil for Xstatic Now

1 comment:

  1. I do this, but not consciously. The idea of co-creation is key, and your well thought out words nudge me to a new level, I felt the shift as I read them. Thanks dear sister for this gift of awareness!


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